Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Fossil Collections of Charles Darwin, Evolution Lock

Collection of Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin collected during adolescence many different fossils, about 160 years old, a collection of fossils that have been collected in Charles Darwin's forgotten and stored away in a dusty old wardrobe. From the collection of Darwin's findings that have been long forgotten, will be able to open up new possibilities for the theory of evolution. Speaking of fossils, of course, we all already know, that the fossil is an object in ancient times those found by a man in today.At that time Darwin was sailing for five years with the ship HMS Beagle. And then in 1830 he managed to gather a lot of fossils in South America, during his travels. Which became the foundation of the theory of evolution, is about the lessons of plants and wildlife, the experts concluded, the invention is a shining new hope on the formation of self-Darwinian period. Darwin's collection of fossils that were found by Howard Falcon-Lang, in the form of slides and in the press with a neat condition. Some findings were still on the signature of Darwin. In an old cabinet with a note that had the label "unregistered fossil plant" in a storage room where the British Geological Survey. Nottingham shire. Paleontologist at the Royal Hallo way, University of London. managed to find the fossil collections.This is what was said Howard Falcon-Lang, inventor of the fossil collections of Charles Darwin, "I am easily tempted mystery, so I open a drawer. It makes me surprised, in the drawer there are hundreds of beautiful glass slides, and there is a label that reads "C. Darwin" the first thing that I took." Howard also said, "This is a wonderful illustration of Darwin's work. This is the most exciting period in the history of science, of how the formation of a person's thinking who developed a theory of evolution and then change the world."Howard Falcon-Lang discovered that collection, a total of 314 slides, which is among the findings, including all plants that have been aged about 40 million years old, who comes from a remote island located in the offshore region, Chile. In addition to plant 40 million-year-old, the other slide shows a gigantic tree fungus, which live in the era 400 million years ago, which covered the earth, when the climate is very hot, even, to the hemisphere polar ice does not have the same all.

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