Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


Until a year ago, if you want to fly to research by going into the storm,man must depend on the plane. Now with a new radar, the researcherscan create models that allow them to fly into a storm of sufficientcomputer labs only.

The equipment is similar to the fantasy radar this would help the forecasters infuture to be able to predict the weather with better results. According to the researchersatmosphere at the University of Utah, Gerald Mace, this equipment can also meninkatkan kemampanresearchers to understand climate change. "We all know that our ability to predictclimate has not been up to such expectations, "said Mace told LiveScience.com on 9/12/2011."The greatest uncertainty is predicting cloud in this model."

Latest radar used is a combination of high frequency radar that measures the cloud andlow frequency radar to track the incidence of rain. These new data provide a better pictureto researchers about the water cycle in the cloud. These new radars jointly monitorstorm clouds as if from close range and allows modeling of storms in three dimensions.

The new radar system is placed in the earth's surface is less than a year ago, butpreliminary data generated has made Mace satisfied. "We basically like flying acrosssnowy weather in Northern Alaska, "Mace said when shown last week's three-dimensional modelin San Francisco.


The new radar in place in areas with the highest condensation on the planet."This allows us to observe the process in the arctic, which until now has never been observed."

Three-dimensional models of these storms also allow Mace and his friends zoom in and outview storm from different angles. "For these scientists eorang really exciting."

One of the new radar is in place in oklahoma, succeeded in capturing kedahsiatan tornado alleyshaped supercell. This tornado is a storm in the form of a vertical-like tower that can beAnother tornado breeds. "We can see what is in the storm. We can look into the cloud,track the movement of air turbulence, which controls the process of the storm, "said Mace.

Construction of a new radar system is also not cheap. The acquisition cost U.S. $ 30 million fromAmerikan Reinvesment and Recovery Act assisted climate research facility owned by Atmospheric Radiation Measurement [ARM]Local energy department.

According to Mace, the use of this new system still requires the help of a large research teams and military cadetsto improve climate models. However, during the radar is still working and operating funds continued to flow, this radar canimprove climate modeling in the next five years

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