Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


Storms often come so quickly. At the time the storm came in off the ocean, thepengmat weather the storm should be able to quickly recognize and predict the effectsif up to the surface. This is usually done is to risk your life withthrough the storm.

In countries with frequent storms such as the United States, researchers needgood system for observing it. For example when a tropical storm was raging on the coast of Haitiwith the speed of 115 miles and the surrounding barometric pressure reaches 946 millibars, the expertsweather at the National Hurricane Center deserved to worry. Is the storm could reach the United States,how strong the storm if it reaches land and whether to evacuate as soon as possible.all must be answered based on accurate data.

Experts forecast the weather can make a storm from the station with sufficient accuracy. But forprevent the potential loss of matter and spirit is going to happen, in need of detailed informationthe storm itself. Usually experts do not go straight alone. they needare the storm chasers.


They consist of a brave pilot and the crew who will fly into the storm.As the plane was in the suit by a strong wind storm, the crew must hold firmly ontoseats to prevent them from flopping in the cabin. Flight missionsit could spend eight to ten hours or until the weather experts at theplane managed to collect data that can be sent to the center of the storm observations.

Such observations help scientists understand how weather storms arise and evolveand its ability to be able to reach the mainland. The task is very dangerous hurricane huntersbut very important. Davin Tennesen, captain pilot the National Oceanographic and Administration Atmosphric[NOAA] Reveal, "We are here to safeguard life and property."

Warning storm made its way into an area that is very likely exposed to the effects of high winds, rainrains and floods. Provide advanced warning time for people to buy food supplies,protect your home or evacuate to other places. Juaan people and hundreds of millions of dollars could drift ifthe storm was approaching the shore. The data collected during the hurricane hunters fly into the stormhelp experts predict weather and make the right decision.

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