Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Willy Wonka From Wearing Apparel Fabrics Ulos In IDeFest 2011

detail berita     Act of an artist in today's no-there was only, I get a message That has the quotes from news Following the news that i managed to grab from the site I bacakira-guess what Will be the talk here, let's look at the news. 

     What happens if a character in a film of children wearing clothing made of batik cloth ulos? not a strange thing, but that's the fashion to form infinite creation.Creativity is also shown by the Participants in the preliminary round Indonesia Dream Festival (IDeFest) 2011 in the category of fashion stylist. Willy Wonka is not only wearing shorts and shirts are made from fabric ulos, Gladiators also did not want to miss wearing batik cloth, there is also cleopatra wearing a dress made of Brocade. 

      Indonesia is the fifth dig IDeFest That inspiration comes from Hollywood figures with the theme "narcissistic Nationalist," Participants are challenged to make-fatherly fashion inspired by Hollywood figures who became Their idol, the which use of local materials. 

     "We Want Them to dare to show products from Indonesia to a higher level, for example, an advanced Imagine That They figure Their Hollywood idol, but wearing apparel from Indonesia products," said Wirya Kartasasmita as chairman of the implementation of the field of fashion stylists to Legal Foundation Shaba Pandita on Buddhist Dharma Indonesia, last Monday. 

      The results of the competition, leaving only six Participants Who Will undergo the final in megamendung, Bogor, on December 29, 2011 That Will come. Overall, the jury is Represented designer Ichwan Toha said, the work of this year IDeFest desyen far kebih expressive. Assessment of expressive not only in terms of design, but also the make-up and They bring a creative way. The Creators are also required to display That Their work on standards are not standard, but must be with high creative and extraordinary. 

     Ichwan Toha said "The young designers expected to be more bold in making a piece of fabric and color to explore typical of Indonesia."

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